A Chronicle of Construction
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A Chronicle of Construction

Join us on this blog, where we chronicle all things construction. We'll write about plumbing, HVAC, framing, and even road construction. These may sound like very different topics, but they do all fall under the construction umbrella. And actually, they are more related than you might think. Many contractors do several different types of construction and building work throughout their careers, after all. You may wonder if this blog will be relevant or helpful if you're not a construction worker, and to that question, our answer is "yes." In fact, we aim to write for a various audiences so that everyone can benefit from the material.


A Chronicle of Construction

Why Land Title Surveys Are Important to Homebuyers

Annie Herrera

If you're about to purchase a home, it's pretty commonplace to have a land title survey completed. These surveys look at key attributes of a property and you might consider having one completed for the following reasons.

Required by Lender

There are a lot of lenders that require the completion of land title surveys before offering any amount of money to customers they are working with. The surveys give them important information that they need to structure lending contracts correctly.

If you're working with a lender that requires a land title survey, you need to comply and do exactly as they say. They may recommend hiring a particular company to have this title survey carried out and want it completed by a specific date. If you comply, you can avoid delays in purchasing a home and have a more user-friendly lending experience to enjoy. 

Accurate Assessment of Land Rights

When you purchase a home, you are buying the lot that the property comes on. It will be a certain size and you need to know these exact dimensions before going through with a purchase of a home. Land title surveys can provide this information.

A surveyor will come out and plot out property corners using innovative imaging equipment. You can rest assured they'll provide accurate results, letting you know exactly what land rights you have for a particular home. Then you can avoid a bunch of disputes in the future, such as making adjustments on land that isn't yours.

Document Improvements on Surrounding Structures

In addition to land title surveys showing boundary lines in an accurate way, these surveys can also be used to document the improvements around nearby structures. Upgrades to fences, walkways, and trails can all be documented thanks to land title surveys completed by professional companies.

Having information on these things matters for getting an accurate valuation of the property you're potentially going to buy. Your lender may also require this information so that they know how to structure and process your loan going forward. 

Land title surveys seek to find out as much information as possible regarding boundary lines and conditions. If you're buying a home, you'll probably want to have one of these surveys completed at some point. Then you can move forward with the lending process and have concrete facts that are needed to make better property decisions now and potentially years later on. 

To learn more, contact companies like PLCS Corporation.
